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PAS Public Statement in Response to Lawsuit - 12/23/2020

Dear Portsmouth Abbey Community,

As many of you are aware, the School has recently been named as a defendant in a lawsuit arising out of allegations of an inappropriate sexual relationship between a student and a (now-former) faculty member in the 2012-2014 time frame. This is certainly upsetting news, and many of you would like answers to some very reasonable questions. As much as we would like to respond to the allegations and to your questions, the filing of the suit compels us to try our case in a court of law. We can, however, reiterate what we have communicated previously to our parents in May of 2015, to the School community in 2016, and as part of an independent investigation into past conduct published by the law firm Debevoise & Plimpton LLP in 2017: The student involved graduated in 2014, and the parents of the student reported the allegations of an inappropriate sexual relationship to the School administration in May of 2015. Thereupon, the faculty member was immediately suspended and resigned the next day while still under suspension. The local law enforcement authorities were promptly notified of the allegations. Beyond this, we cannot comment on the allegations, respond to the media, or answer questions outside of the legal process.

Please know that student safety and well-being are, and always have been of paramount importance to us and have guided all of our decisions. Our ongoing commitment to maintaining the best protocols is exemplified by the certification of our Assistant Headmaster for Student Life as a Praesidium Guardian. We ask for your prayers for all involved and hope that you and your families remain safe and healthy during these difficult and uncertain times.

In Christ,

Very Reverend Michael G. Brunner O.S.B.

Prior Administrator

Board of Regents

Portsmouth Abbey School

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